En Bloc capsulectomy San Francisco

Houston En Bloc surgeons? Recently, I have received more inquiries at my Northbrook plastic surgery practice regarding having breast implant removal surgery. The most common reasons for a woman to choose to have her breast implants removed are health concerns, changes to the implants and the breasts over time, and the feeling that the implants are too large or heavy for her body. When you choose to have breast implant removal surgery, or breast explant surgery, there are some options available, which you should discuss with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The simplest approach is to remove the implants while leaving the scar tissue capsule in place. A more complex approach is to perform an explant capsulectomy, in which the implants and the scar capsule are removed from the breasts. The most complex option for removing breast implants is an en bloc capsulectomy, in which the implants and scar capsule are removed intact. Since this is the most complicated option for breast implant removal, I will provide some additional insight into the en bloc capsulectomy procedure.

Outside of these two instances where there is a risk in opening the capsule, an en bloc capsulectomy is usually unnecessary and a complete capsulectomy is a better, safer choice. Will breast implant removal get rid of my breast implant illness (BII) symptoms? For some women, removing their implants has resolved symptoms, and for others it hasn’t—but even in the cases where symptoms persist, implant removal often provides increased peace of mind. That’s why I fully support patients looking into breast implant removal for health reasons. That said, even experienced, supportive surgeons can not guarantee that implant removal will cure an individual’s BII symptoms. Breast implant illness is a general term and, though research is ongoing, it has not been proven that having breast implants leads to generalized illness or that removing implants will cure any systemic symptoms. Therefore, breast implant removal is ultimately performed to see if breast implants are a factor in your symptoms. After surgery, you’ll know more. You may feel better after having your breast implants removed, or you may continue to experience symptoms. Find more information at En Bloc Capsulectomy miami.

When a woman chooses to get breast augmentation with implants, it is usually thought of as a somewhat permanent decision. While it is likely that a revision or replacement may be needed at some point in time, patients who get breast implants are generally planning to keep their new look for the foreseeable future. However, there are a few cases when an explant may either be desired or required. For these patients, an en bloc capsulectomy, or total capsulectomy, may be an appropriate choice. Regardless of the reason for pursuing breast implant removal, we can help. Board-certified and award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Jaime S. Schwartz has successfully performed countless capsulectomy procedures for patients in Beverly Hills, CA and is extremely knowledgeable in the intricacies and nuances of this complex surgery.

Recently, I have been hearing a lot of questions about breast implant removal through en bloc capsulectomy. This type of explantation is key for some women, while other patients can get similar benefits from other implant removal methods which have less associated risk. To help you understand more and find the best breast implant removal technique for you, I’ll answer some of the most common questions here. What does en bloc capsulectomy mean? When breast implants are placed, your body naturally forms scar tissue around the implant. This is a normal and expected response and, because of this, all breast implants have what we call a “capsule” around them. Read more information at En Bloc Capsulectomy surgeons near me.