Best rated medical services in Istanbul Turkey today

Best rated medical prices in Istanbul Turkey today: Statistics highlight the growth of Turkey’s medical tourism industry. In 2022, approximately 1.2 million international patients visited Turkey for medical treatments, a significant increase from previous years. The Turkish government actively promotes medical tourism through various initiatives and incentives, further boosting the sector’s growth. Turkey is known for the expertise and skills of its medical professionals, a fact explaining how the country has also emerged as one of the leading hubs for medical education in the world. Some of the facts about doctors and medical professionals in Turkey are as follows: High Level of Expertise and Qualifications: Turkish doctors often receive their education and training from prestigious institutions both within Turkey and internationally. Many have extensive experience and are recognized for their expertise in their respective fields. Discover extra info on fat transfer turkey price.

Turkey Medicals hospital member Operator Doctor, he gave information about Antalya bariatric surgery and its benefits. Obesity, a chronic disease characterized by an increase in the ratio of body fat mass to lean mass, is defined by the body mass index criterion. The most important cause of obesity caused by genetic predisposition, wrong eating habits, inactivity, environmental factors and hormonal diseases is the intake of more calories than consumed. Obesity, which is a chronic disease, disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems in the body, causing serious harm to a person’s health. The harms that obesity causes to the body can be listed as follows: All the organs of individuals with a high body mass index work harder to meet the needs of the body, and this shortens the life of the organs and the whole organism. Blood sugar imbalances that occur with weight cause the appearance of insulin resistance and diabetes, and in the long run, vascular health deteriorates. Deterioration of vascular health, on the other hand, disrupts the blood supply and nutrition of important organs such as the heart, kidneys, and brain.

Turkey Medicals has launched a campaign titled “The quality of service in Turkey health tourism has been introduced to the world” in order to make Turkey a brand in health tourism and attract more health tourists patients. In this context, Turkey Medicals foreigners medical services, will print a booklet on 10 different topics such as eye laser, heart and cardiology, hair transplantations, face plastic surgery, thermal tourism, elderly tourism, Turkey dental implants, orthopedics, IVF, oncology, which serves in Turkish health tourism.

We can share a very clear figure today. According to figures, we welcomed 1 million 286 thousand foreign patients in Turkey in 2021 and treated foreign patients from 168 countries. So, the share of transplant in it is 750 thousand people, and this is a pretty good figure. In fact, our minimum expectation was about one and a half million, but these numbers obtained are the official registration results. Unfortunately, there are even more such stairs than this, the number of tax-free operations. Tax-free hair transplant performed by unlicensed and illegal persons should be urgently prevented for our country.

Diverse Source Markets: Turkey is likely to see a diversification in its patient demographics. Traditionally, a large portion of health tourists came from neighboring countries in the Middle East and Europe. However, recent trends indicate a growing interest from North America, Asia, and even Africa. The establishment of direct flights and enhanced travel connectivity will facilitate this influx. Emerging Specialties: As medical technology advances, new specialties are becoming popular among health tourists. For instance, Turkey has seen a surge in demand for regenerative medicine and wellness therapies, including the best stem cell hospital treatments and holistic health programs. The emergence of these specialties will attract a new clientele seeking cutting-edge medical solutions. Read extra information on

Turkey Medicals member JCI Antalya hospital Hematology Specialist Professor Doctor said, “Our country has very clearly made a big breakthrough in marrow transplant in Turkey and we are now in the top 5 in Europe. It is possible to say this with pride,” he explained. Prof. Dr. made evaluations in Kyrenia, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, where he came to participate in the 6th Hematological Oncology Congress. Hematological Oncology are performed successfully each year that the Congress this year, is home to three hundred participants, indicating that Professor Doctor in Congress, especially leukemia, acute and chronic leukemia, lymphoma and multiple miyolo indicated that the management of the treatment of diseases such as was discussed in detail.