Experience Ancient Wisdom at Our Ayurvedic Clinic

Ayurvedic clinic Kathmandu today: Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya, affectionately known as Dr. Mana by his numerous Western patients, was a distinguished Ayurvedic physician who acquired his profound knowledge of Ayurveda through an esteemed family lineage. He was mentored in this ancient medical science by his father Durga Bajra, his mother Tirtha Kumari, and his grandfather Nila Bajra. These venerable figures in Nepalese Ayurveda were themselves educated in the discipline by their parents and grandparents, perpetuating a rich, 700-year family legacy in Ayurvedic medicine. Unfortunately, Dr. Mana passed away in the year 2000. See more info on Transform Your Health with Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine.

Ayurveda identifies three basic types of energy or functional principles that are present in everyone and everything. Since there are no single words in English that convey these concepts, we use the original Sanskrit words vata, pitta and kapha. These principles can be related to the basic biology of the body. Energy is required to create movement so that fluids and nutrients get to the cells, enabling the body to function. Energy is also required to metabolize the nutrients in the cells, and is called for to lubricate and maintain the structure of the cell. Vata is the energy of movement; pitta is the energy of digestion or metabolism and kapha, the energy of lubrication and structure. All people have the qualities of vata, pitta and kapha, but one is usually primary, one secondary and the third is usually least prominent. The cause of disease in Ayurveda is viewed as a lack of proper cellular function due to an excess or deficiency of vata, pitta or kapha.

The pathogenic agent of Multiple Sclerosis(MS) when is active in the serum, the patient of MS complains drowziness, sleepy all the time, wearisome, anorexia, fever, bodyache, goose pimples, vomiting, pain in the legs, blurred vision, jerking and especially weakness. These symptoms come and go not even being known what is the cause of them. But the recurrent problem of them is the characteristic to the case of MS. Ayurveda considers that these are the primitive symptoms as MS which are very common during the period of activity of the artery system. It is well investigated that during the developing period of the body ( in general, sixteen to thirty years of age), the artery system becomes more active. It is especially true for women. Therefore, the problem of MS is very commom for women as well as men during the age upto the thirty, some one who is fat and weak does not follow this rule.

Ayurveda treatment starts with an internal purification process, followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. The concepts of universal interconnectedness, the body’s constitution (prakriti), and life forces (doshas) are the primary basis of ayurvedic medicine. Goals of treatment aid the person by eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life. Herbs and other plants, including oils and common spices, are used extensively in Ayurvedic treatment.

Oja is the Ayurvedic term for the blood sugar. It is greasy and has the nature of sweetness. The blood sugar, whenever is counteracted with the physical properties of astringent taste, loses its greasiness. Because the drying effect of the astringent taste is counteractive to the grease. The greaseless blood sugar can not be assimilated for the nourishment of the bodily tissues and separated from the bodily fluid. In this condition, it dissolves easily in the bodily fluid and elevates the sweet urine. This is the fundamental cause of diabetes. The greaseless blood sugar is similar to the nature of honey, which has the counteracting effect of grease. Therefore, Madhumeha, honey like sweet urine is the Ayurvedic name for diabetes.

Balance is achieved with the help of a healthy diet, restful sleep, regular exercise and stress management. If needed, botanicals, exercise, activities that promote mindfulness and other resources may offer additional support. Every individual is unique, and Ayurveda defines a person’s specific constitution, or prakriti. According to Ayurveda, these prakriti determine your physical, psychological, behavioral and immunological traits. Different constitutions respond to different treatments, so what works for you might not work for someone else.

In managing metastatic conditions, our clinic offers promising Ayurvedic alternative treatments that have shown considerable effectiveness. These treatments are tailored to not only address the complexities of metastasis but also to enhance the overall well-being of patients. Our approach focuses on balancing the body’s natural systems, using time-tested Ayurvedic practices and remedies. This holistic method has been particularly beneficial for patients with metastatic conditions, providing them with a supportive and nurturing alternative to conventional therapies. Our commitment to these Ayurvedic principles underscores our dedication to offering compassionate and comprehensive care for those facing the challenges of metastasis.

The hymns, literal formulas, and medical knowledge of Vedas were contributions of Rishi and Munis of different times. It is well known that Rishi and Munis were learned sages and saints who devoted their lives to understanding the reality of the world. Aryavarta, the native land of Aryans, covers the wide surrounding area of the Himalayas where the Rishi and Munis lived. The surrounding area of the Himalayas where the Rishi and Munis lived. The surrounding area of the Himalayas, at present political situation, covers the countries Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Tibet etc. The civilization of these countries is deeply influenced by the unique intellectual contributions of the Rishis and Munis. Discover additional info at https://www.ayurvedicclinic.net/clinic/.