Residential mental health care clinic in Florida

Inpatient addiction treatment clinic in Florida, USA: You should plan to taper for between three and seven days depending on how much you’re used to drinking. Slowly reduce the amount of alcohol you consume each day until you reach sobriety. If you begin to experience serious withdrawal symptoms, drink enough to make the symptoms subside. If you’re unable to reduce how much you drink, you may have a disease called alcoholism that requires professional addiction treatment. Alcohol rehab helps you taper off alcohol, and it treats other side effects and causes of alcoholism.

Prescription stimulants are usually safe for those they are prescribed, but even people under the supervision of a doctor are at risk of developing an addiction. Those who use Adderall without medical assistance to get high or fuel all-night study sessions are at risk of developing an addiction. Due to the likelihood of Adderall addiction, the U.S. government designated Adderall to the same drug classification as cocaine and methamphetamine. Adderall is the brand-name prescription of amphetamine. Adderall stimulates the brain to overproduce certain chemicals like dopamine, which affects a person’s mood, motor activity and alertness.

Alcohol use and the subsequent withdrawal period can cause a person to become dehydrated, so drink plenty of water. Additionally, alcohol can deplete the body of essential nutrients and cause damage to vital organs. Get your body right again by feeding it foods rich in vitamins and minerals and by exercising. Proper maintenance of your body leaves you feeling refreshed and your mind clear. Healthy bodies work better, so as you make a plan to quit alcohol, make a plan to nurture your body as well. Read extra info at help for addiction.

Drug addiction is a chemical dependency on a substance, such as prescription or illicit drugs. Men, women, and children can suffer from this condition. Addiction can develop quickly or can take years to occur. In all cases, treatment is necessary. In 2016, 63,632 Americans died from drug overdoses. Of those, 66 percent were from the use of illicit opioids and prescription drugs. Overdoses impacted people over the age of 15 of all races and ethnicities and across all urban demographics, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding what drug addiction is will help you to get the support you need or give you guidance on how to help a loved one. FHE Health provides confidential, safe treatment programs for all forms of addiction.

Residential treatment is the first step in your care to improving your mental health. The goal of initial residential treatment is to help stabilize an individual. Many men and women with mental health disorders are living in a state of shock, confusion, pain, and hopelessness. Some may be using substances to help minimize symptoms. Others are facing life-threatening complications. The goal of our mental health residential care is to first provide a stable and safe environment. As the initial phase of mental health treatment, our program is designed to meet the needs of each individual. For some, this may include detox if there are substance abuse concerns present. For others, it may mean health care to address medical issues occurring. Discover even more details on