Modern dining table solutions in Philippines today

Marble table providers Philippines today: Sourcing, quarrying and processing natural stone to use as a building material has virtually no impact on the environment, making it a sensible and eco-friendly solution for all of your housing needs. Unlike many other artificial building products, stone is found naturally and requires little energy for its manufacture. Modern techniques for quarrying stones are extremely efficient and help reduce impact. The natural stone releases no chemicals or off-set toxic gasses that can diminish indoor air quality and put the health of you and your family at risk. It absorbs ambient temperature and improves energy efficiency within your home, meaning that it can store heat from the sun or cold air. This makes it easier to maintain a consistent, well-balanced temperature within your home all year round. Find extra information on modern dining table.

Once upon a time, dark colors were the hallmark of sophistication. But clean whites and creams have slowly but surely made their way to the forefront in home decor. Light colors make a room feel more open and more connected to the outdoors. A crisp white backsplash works seamlessly with contemporary and rustic decor, and it frees you up to have fun with any and all accent pieces.

Both granite and marble are heat-resistant. Both types of stones were formed through heat, either through volcanic activity or enormous amounts of heat and pressure. Typically, hot pots will not bother either stone, and neither will discolor when used near heat. Always use caution with hot pots in the kitchen, regardless of how well your stone handles the heat. Decomposing granite, which is found in soil, has been known to give off radon 2 gas. So naturally, some people are concerned about using granite counters in their home. There is no evidence, however, that either granite or marble slabs give off radon 2 gas in the home. If you are concerned, radon 2 test kits are available, which can detect the gas.

Remove stains and etching: When cleaning with mild soap and water doesn’t work, or on areas that are “etched,” you’ll need to take more aggressive action. Step up to a cleanser such as Soft Scrub or even Ajax with bleach, applied with an abrasive sponge. That will remove the sealant and allow you to scrub down to the stain. “When you’re done, you’ll find that the area you’ve worked on looks brighter than the rest of your counter,” says Bruno. “So then you need to go on to clean the rest of the counter the same way. Then rinse it thoroughly and let it dry completely—maybe even for a couple of days. Once it’s dry, pour the penetrating sealant all over the surface and spread it around with a soft cloth.”

Countertop Maintenance: Most experts agree that granite requires moderate maintenance when compared with solid surface, quartz, laminate, glass or ceramic tile. Marble is moderate to high maintenance. The care involved is keeping it sealed, avoiding acidic materials and wiping up spills quickly. Granite countertop prices are slightly lower than marble countertop costs. Granite begins at about $75 per square foot installed. Marble starts at closer to $100 per square foot installed. The best granite countertops can cost $175 per square foot installed while marble can top $200. The complexity of the job – the number of seams and corners and the style of sink you select – will have an impact on countertop costs too.

So, by now, you know all the properties of both stones. You know the price difference and how their qualities are different. Now for a final selection, you need to consider your project first. If you need a good and affordable design, you can go for marble but if you’re looking for a long term durable solution and can spend some money as well, going for granite and spending on it is not a bad option at all. Find extra info at