Top rated free classified ads in Malaysia by Sabtu

High quality classified ads Malaysia? Limitless sales: As mentioned earlier, internet technology has a global audience. If you post the ad about something that is in fashion or demand all over the world, you may end up having a huge number of orders for your product. Your business might expand unexpectedly faster and your sales might double within a week. Easy to manage: the free classified ads site allow sellers to post an ad without restricting them to a per defined format. Normally the sellers write their ads according to their requirements. Some of the ads are detailed with description while some are short and brief. Find even more info on House Painting Services Near Me.

Best rated free ads posting sites in Malaysia: Using classified ads allows you to focus your marketing on the areas you do business in and reach people who are likely to buy goods or services from you. You should place print ads only in publications that are distributed in locations you can serve. There’ll be little point in advertising in classified listings that are mainly distributed in areas you’re not willing to travel to or trade in. This won’t be an issue if your business is mainly online.

Best rated free ads posting sites Malaysia advantages: Perhaps the most well-known classified site today, Craigslist is impressively ranked in the top 30 most visited websites in the U.S. This platform has a huge lineup of categories that allows you to sell just about any product or service. These categories are so diverse that they range from automotive and beauty services to computer parts and parking spots. Craigslist currently allows users to post ads once per geographical area every 48 hours. This is completely free for almost all product postings, with the exception of vehicles and furniture ads that may require an extra $5 fee. Posting ads for services will also require a small fee, though you’re guaranteed a full 30 days when you pay for ads. One unique benefit to Craigslist is the fact that you can actually post ads seeking out items. This means that in addition to getting free advertising, you can also find equipment and office supplies that will help you earn more in the future. The downside to Craigslist is that it has something of a seedy reputation, due to past high-profile stories about people using the site for illegal activity. However, as long as your ads don’t scream spam, you’ll gain the opportunity to sell to and engage with plenty of nearby consumers—perhaps gaining loyal clients for your local business along the way. Find extra information on

The online advertising medium is quite different from the traditional one in the fact that with the online medium, it is easy to determine the results of the campaign. You can know how many people viewed your ad and see how many of those actually made enquiries or purchases. Using advanced tracking systems, you can analyze what pages are visited by most customers and what kind of information they are looking for.