Get interviews, placements and article features for your music

6,000+ Radio station contacts worldwide with Qmusicpromotions? Why should I use Q Music Promotions? Because we have been in your position before! Do you have an amazing song that deserves to blow up? Have you spent thousands of dollars on PR companies or companies promising to “submit” your music with no results? We created our lists so that you never have to fall into that trap again, so that you can control your career and connect with anyone at any time. P.S. it’s the lists we use to promote our artists. How long will my song stay on a playlist, blog or radio station? Curators and contacts can keep your song on their playlists, pages and in rotations for as long as they want, this could be a few days, a few weeks or months. It’s up to you to work on those relationships to continue getting support from these contacts.

The base membership for Distrokid starts at $19.99 USD per year but you can upgrade if you’d like added features and benefits. After signing up with your digital distributor, simply upload your music and select a release date. You can also set up a “pre-save” option which will give you an automatically-generated link for you to share with your fans so they can save your song to their library before it even comes out. Your fans will be notified of its release if they’ve pre-saved it.

We have created this product just for you!! We want to give Artists the tools to get on more playlists! Reach new fans! And make more money from streaming! Our Playlist Curators package gives the artists the tools that every promo company has, and creates a marketing machine that lasts forever! This will allow you to become your own music marketing agency and gives you the tools to get on more playlists, get more streams and get more fans. Your music will reach new people everyday and continue to do so. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing the results of a successful campaign convert into engagement and social traction to form new fans. Discover more details at spotify playlist.

There are 3 main playlists the algorithm can help you get featured on: Release Radar is updated every Friday with up to two hours of new songs and relevant tracks from artists that users have shown interest in on Spotify. If you’re someone who constantly drops new music or you’re worried about your fans missing your newest hit, getting featured on this playlist is the perfect way to keep your listeners up to date. Discover Weekly is updated with new music every Monday, with songs chosen according to the users own history and that of other users that like similar music. When your followers save your tracks to their own library, this generates even more features for you. Daily Mix are daily curated playlists that are based on different genres listeners have been into lately. The more styles of music a user listens to the more mixes Spotify will generate. Establishing yourself in your genre can really help you maintin a spot in your listeners Daily Mixes.

Carry around a pocket notebook to write down lyrics or musical ideas that come to you. Phones are great, but there is something about putting a pen to paper that engages more creativity than typing it out on a keypad. As with an instrument, practice and perseverance are important in refining your skills as a songwriter. The more you work on it, the better you’ll get. Our team of artist managers have compiled detailed contact lists of playlist curators, blog writers, music festivals, radio stations, booking agents and live music venues. We’ve created a seamless and user-friendly email marketing manual to help you connect with industry professionals easily. Let the network work its magic and in the meantime, use our online marketing strategies — included with every order to give your music that extra push to start going viral. Find extra details on