Healthy lifestyle advices with OurHealthyLifeStyle

Weight loss tips by OurHealthyLifeStyle? Drink More Water! Many people mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger. Sip on water all day long, making sure to consume 2.5 litres every day. Add in the Fibre. Fibre makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time. However, if you currently don’t eat a lot of fibre, add it in slowly as too much at once can cause digestion issues. Ditch The Soda: There’s nothing worse than drinking empty calories. And choosing diet sodas are no better. Research is showing that diet sodas may actually lead to weight and fat gain. If you need something fizzy to drink, choose sparkling water or make your own water kefir.

Maintaining weight loss involves a commitment to a healthful lifestyle, from which there is no “vacation.” Although people should feel free to enjoy a special meal out, a birthday celebration, or a joyful holiday feast without feeling guilty, they should try not to stray too far from the path of healthful eating and frequent physical activity. Those who do may find that they lose focus. Gaining back lost weight is easier than losing it. Achieving and maintaining weight loss is possible when people adopt lifestyle changes in the long term. Regardless of any specific methods that help a person lose weight, individuals who are conscious of how and what they eat and engage in daily physical activity or regular exercise will be successful both in losing and keeping off excess weight.

As we practice social distancing, many Americans are wondering how they’re going to commit to a daily workout routine. But fear not. A plethora of resources exist to help get you back on your feet, many of which you can download for free straight onto your phone. Are you a yoga junkie who’s committed to perfecting that headstand you started four weeks ago? Do you rely on the daily endorphin boost of a cycling class whose feigning for your daily cardio fix? We’ve got you covered! We’ve compiled ten of our favorite fitness apps – each with free content for you to explore at home – and divided them into categories so you can easily pinpoint your go-to workouts. Or perhaps you can use this time to get adventurous, and try something completely new! Discover more info at good health.

Pro Tip: Your warmup and cool down times should coincide with the length and intensity of your workout. Don’t fill it in with 30 seconds of stretching or jogging. Devote a full 5 to 10 minutes to both your warmup and cool down. Sometimes, people exercise a bit too hard. They want to look their best, so they push themselves to the limit, which can be dangerous. When it comes to exercise, form and function should be the priority. Losing weight and gaining muscle is great, but it should never come at the expense of your health. Stay hydrated, take care of your muscles, and remember why you’re doing this—to feel good!

Group Groove’s terrific approach will bring you to the track as you hit the floor with dance-inspired moves designed by expert choreographers. It is followed easily and with a specific fitness and workout goal. It is a low-impact move that will help you continue to warm up and get to work and bring your dancing spirit on. The groove party sometimes starts with the best of Disco or Latin inspired music but whatever it is, everyone will put a smile on your face and get the heart working. As you continue to dance, gradually it is working on your body shaping and toning the legs and glutes with the dance styles that drop you low so you will feel the burn. As a cardio dance, it will work as your heart will start pounding and the sweat will be pouring in.

My workout determination has gotten me through burpee after burpee, demanding at-home fitness programs, half-marathons, and speedy swim intervals. But, my will power has historically disappeared the minute push-ups were in the picture. For as long as I can remember, it’s been the one move that’s challenged me both mentally and physically to the point of surrender. In all honesty, the main reason for that is because I couldn’t do a proper push-up — either my hips were too high, my arms were too wild, or I couldn’t manage to hover down low enough. The more at-home strength classes I took, though, the more push-ups popped up, so I told myself it was time to face the music and at least try to improve my performance. See extra info on